Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We see what we want to see, we hear what we want to hear and we conclude what we want to conlude unless Allah bless us with wisdom

Ibrahim Adham related to a youth the importance of Hijrah. He explained to the youth the need to travel far and wide to gain new experience and thus wisdom to spur continuous change and transformation.

The youth finally agreed. The next day, he forbade goodby to Ibrahim Adham and wish him Salam. He went for knowledge and experience seeking journey for quite a while.

After the 3rd day, Ibrahim's door was knocked on and to his surprise the youth was standing infront of his door. He asked the youth. "Why did you return much earlier than planned".

"During my travel, i had passed through a large desert and i saw something magnificent in the valley" told the youth excitedly.

" There Allah has made me go through a very useful experiential journey. Thereby i made my resolve to comeback earlier", told the youth confidently.

What was the magnificent experience?, asked Ibrahim Adham, the wise man.

" I met a very unlucky man in the valley.He added eloquently.

" He was robbed, and what more tragic, both pairs of his hand leg was chopped off. He was in a very pityful state." he paused but eagerly continued.

" What surprised me the unlucky man was daily fed by an eagle which flied to and fro, carrying food to him enabling him to continue living." told the youth with his eyes sparkling wide open.

"What i learnt from here, however weak a person is, god is always there to help him", concluded him happily.

"Oh, it was a great story, exclaimed Ibrahim." looking at the youth pitifully.

Before they parted Ibrahim asked, "but why did you only think of the pitiful man, but not otherwise, about the eagle that fed him."

Ibrahim continued, Allah does not only show you, that man are guaranteed of their rezeki, but Allah also showed you how to be a man that are useful to others in need. Why choose the example of man who had to depend on others and not the strong and kind eagle who can help others.

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