Tentu anda pernah dengar tentang bijirin hitam. Banyak diperkatakan tentang keajaiban dan khasiat bijirin istimewa ini. Habbatus Sauda, Black Cumin atau Nigella sativa atau jintan hitam adalah salah satu bjirin yang paling dimuliakan sebagai ubat-ubatan sejak zaman berzaman.
Bijian yang terbaik biasanya datang dari Mesir dan Yemen di mana mereka tumbuh di bawah keadaan yang hampir sempurna dalam oasis di mana mereka disiram sehingga bentuk bijirin menjadi lenggai Namun ia juga didapati dipadang rumput separuh sahara di Sudan, Somalia dan negara negara sub sahara yang lain
Jika anda menelusuri pasar pasar di timur tengah seperti pasar al Khalili di Kaherah, Spice Souk Di Deira, Dubai dan Abu Dhabi, El Balad Di Amman Jordan,
Bijirin hitam ini boleh didapati dengan banyaknya dalam guni guni dan dijual timbang bagi yang belum diproses dan dalam bentuk minyak minyak bagi yang dah diproses.
Di pasar pasar seperti di Omdurman dan Khartoum di Sudan ia dijual begitu murah bersama sama dengan madu dari padang rumput.Baunya agak tengit, tapi siapa tau kerena khasiat yang sebegitu rupa ia menjadi buruan orang orang yang menegetahui.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW, mahfumnya "Tetaplah kamu dengan Habbatus Sauda, kerana ia boleh menyembuhkan semua penyakit kecuali maut" Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim
Tiada peneyelidikan yang serius tentang khasiatnya sehingga kira-kira empat puluh tahun yang lalu. Sejak itu, lebih daripada 200 kajian telah dijalankan di universiti universiti seluruh dunia.
Dari kajain didapati ia secara rawak mengandungi komponen kimia seperti dibawah
Komposisi minyak
asid oleik
asid linoleik
asid linolenik
Dioscorides seorang pakar perubatan yang terkenal Yunani menggunakan jintan putih hitam untuk merawat sakit kepala dan sakit gigi. Bijian yang kecil mempunyai lebih daripada 100 bahan kimia yang berbeza, termasuk pelbagai rencam sumber-sumber semua asid lemak yang amat diperlukan badan manusia. Walaupun ia adalah minyak yang paling sering digunakan secara perubatan, bejirin hitam agak pedas dan sering digunakan keseluruhan dalam masak-kari, pastri, dan keju Mediterranean.
Nigella sativa mempunyai aroma yang sangat sedikit tetapi adalah yg mengeluarkan udara, bererti ia cenderung untuk membantu penghadaman dan melegakan gas di dalam perut dan usus. Mereka membantu peristalsis dan penyingkiran. Minyak pati jintan hitam bersifat antimikrobial dan membantu membersihkan cacing usus .
Jintan hitam yang dianggap oleh ramai sebagai penawar tetapi tidak begitu dipandang serius oleh sesetengah orang.Tapi ketahuilah bijirin yang tak begitu didendang ini kini terbukti menjadi remedi semulajadi untuk gangguan autoimun , keadaan di mana pesakit mengalami banyak alahan kerana sistem imun mereka sendiri menyerang badan mereka. Jintan hitam, terutamanya apabila digabungkan dengan bawang putih, dianggap sebagai penyelaras ketidakseimbangan yang membolehkan sel-sel imun memusnahkan sel-sel yang sihat. Bahasa teknikal untuk menerangkan harta ini adalah tindakan "immunomodulateri"
Perbezaan di antara jintan hitam dan interferon, tidak seperti interferon yang digunakan untuk tujuan serupa, ia tidak menyebabkan kesan sampingan apabila diberikan dalam dos yang biasa. Bak kata pepatah bahawa keajaiban jintan hitam adalah keupayaan mereka untuk mengembalikan keharmonian sistem imun badan.
Keputusan paling dramatik dicapai untuk pengidapa asma dan alahan. Ia bertindak balas dengan cepat melainkan jika terdapat jangkitan, yang mana dalam kes jangkitan, jangkitan perlu dihapuskan sebelum gejala reda kelemahan imun. Penggunaan berterusan selama enam bulan akan lebih cenderung untuk memberi keputusan cemerlang. Untuk keletihan melampau, pertimbangkan mencampurkan beberapa biji dihancurkan dengan beberapa royal jelly.
Dengan biji yang mengandungi juzuk begitu banyak dan mempunyai sejarah etnobotani yang panjang, ia tidak menghairankan bahawa ramai di seluruh Mediterranean dan Asia percaya bahawa jintan hitam pada dasarnya adalah baik untuk semua kes kesihatan yang merunsingkan kita.
Namun begitu, kadang kadang imaginasi para penyair mendahului kajian medikal.Penyair arab begitu berjaya mengangkat martabat bijirin ini sehingga berlaku dakwaan khasiat yang tidak begitu jelas peranannya. Seperti dimanapun dakwaan meningkatkan keupayaan kekuatan bathin lah yang meneyebabkan ia lebih mudah dijual.
Melindungi Sel yang sihat dan Merangsang Pengeluaran Interferon Asli
Kajian pertama utama Nigella sativa dalam pencegahan kanser dan rawatan telah dilakukan oleh saintis di Makmal Biologi Daya Tahan Kanser -Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Mereka menyimpulkan bahawa sistem imun yang sihat akan mengesan dan memusnahkan sel-sel kanser sebelum barah membahayakan pesakit. Sistem imun melakukan ini dengan menyokong peningkatan pengeluaran sel-sel imun, sel-sel sum-sum tulang, dan B-sel yang menghasilkan antibodi. Jintan hitam merangsang aktiviti neutrophil. Ini adalah sel-sel imun berhayat pendek yang biasanya dijumpai di dalam sumsum tulang tetapi digerakkan dalam tindakan apabila terdapat jangkitan bakteria. Cabutan daripada jintan hitam juga telah terbukti mampu memodulasi [pengeluaran interleukins, kualiti ia saham dengan beberapa herba lain yang dihormati: ginseng, astragalus, mistletoe, bawang putih, dan cakar kucing.
Dalam kajian haiwan, manakala tiada subjek dalam kumpulan kawalan yang terselamat, dua pertiga daripada tikus yang diberi minyak biji jintan hitam masih hidup 30 hari selepas usaha sengaja untuk menyebabkan kanser dalam kumpulan subjek. Jintan hitam amat berguna untuk kanser yang agresif yang pertumbuhan bergantung pada angiogenesis.
In vitro kajian yang dilakukan di Jordan dan Amerika Syarikat telah menentukan bahawa minyak meruap adalah anti-leukemic. Kajian yang dilakukan di Sepanyol dan England mendapati bahawa minyak bijirin hitam tetap berguna dalam rawatan penyakit reumatisme dan penyakit radang yang lain. Keajaiban ini adalah disebabkan oleh thymoquinone yang setinggi 25% di dalam bijirin hitam Mesir dan penyakit boleh hilang sepenuhnya dengan pengambilan dalam beberapa biji sehari.
Minuman Dan Masakan
Jintan putih hitam kecil boleh digunakan untuk membuat teh dengan menuang air panas ke atas bijirin dan membiarkan bru mesra selama 10 minit, kira-kira satu sudu membuat secawan teh, tetapi ia adalah lebih baik untuk menjaga cawan ditutup sehingga sedia untuk minum supaya menghalang aroma dari hilang. Sesetengah orang menambah bejirin hitam dalam minuman teh atau kopi kegemaran mereka dan membenarkan imaginasi mereka untuk mengembara. Bijirin hitam juga boleh ditambah untuk casseroles atau roti digunakan dalam pengalengan, atau yang diekstrak dalam cuka. Sesetengah orang mengisar biji dan campurkan dengan madu atau taburkan mereka pada salad. ia menejadi bahan tambah yang baik untuk sos salad malah hidangan kentang goreng, terutamanya apabila digabungkan dengan lemon, daun ketumbar, dan tahini.
Jintan putih hitam yang dicampurkan dengan madu dan bawang putih adalah tonik yang sangat baik bagi orang-orang dengan asma atau batuk serta orang-orang yang mahu meningkatkan imuniti mereka semasa musim sejuk dari selesema atau jangkitan seumpama.
Apabila anda sihat tentulah anda lebih ghairah untuk menghadapai hidup dan kehidupan. Anda tentu faham apa maksud saya.
Habbatus Sauda untuk Kecantikan
Kebanyakan orang yang mencari manfaat jintan hitam mengambil minyak dalam bentuk kapsul. Tempoh masa, biasanya beberapa bulan, rambut dan kuku menjadi lebih kuat dan mempunyai lebih kilau. Walau bagaimanapun, sesetengah orang menggunakan minyak luaran, kerana kecantikan serta untuk merawat keadaan kulit seperti psoriasis dan ekzema.
Seseorang boleh membeli krim yang sedia-siap, tambah sedikit minyak untuk krim kegemaran, atau membuat krim sendiri dari awal dengan memanaskan bahagian yang sama (mengikut isipadu) jintan putih hitam dan minyak pembawa yang baik, seperti mentega shea atau jojoba. Ia terbaik untuk menggunakan dandang dua atau buat yang malas (seperti saya) menggunakan pembuat yogurt kerana walaupun suhu sangat tinggi tetapi ia selamat menjimatkan masa
Minyak akan menghitam. Apabila anda rasa ini telah dihangatkan cukup lama, mencairkan lilin lebah kecil ke dalam minyak panas. Kacau dengan rod kaca atau penyepit baru. Jika anda suka, anda boleh menambah minyak pati atau gabungan minyak hanya sebelum lilin memejal.
Pilihlah cara ini atas sebab-sebab estetik atau kesihatan. Sesetengah orang menggunakan campuran tersebut pada kesan terbakar atau jangkitan kulit; ssetengah orang pula hanya menggunakan krim ini untuk merasa nyaman dan selesa, melembapkan kulit, melegakan sendi atau sakit, atau membuat kedutan hilang.
Banyak orang menggabungkan cuka dan minyak. Dalam kes ini, campurkan satu cawan jintan putih hitam dalam cuka cedar epal organik. Biarkan ia selama beberapa hari atau dua minggu. Kemudian, meneran campuran, pertama melalui penuras konvensional, maka melalui penapis yang lebih halus, seperti hipoksia tipis atau penapis kopi bebas bahan kimia atau uncang teh. Campurkan bakinya dengan bahagian yang sama cuka jintan hitam dan minyak jintan hitam. Panaskan ia untuk beberapa minit dan kemudian letakkan ke dalam balang dan sejukkan. Gunakan ia untuk masalah kulit seperti kawasan bahagian berjerawat atau ambil satu sudu besar sebelum makan untuk kembung perut dan masalah penghadaman.
Jintan hitam adalah satu hadiah agung dar alam semula jadi!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Fish Collagen
Fish collagen is a protein extracted from fish that is mainly used as a cosmetic aid to decrease the appearance of wrinkles. Collagen makes up 30 percent of the protein in human bodies and can be found in the skin, joints, teeth, bones, tendons, and blood vessels. It makes up 70 percent of the protein in the skin and helps keep it elastic. Collagen also helps keep the joints fluid, and teeth and bones strong.
During a person's younger years, the body continually discards old collagen and creates newcollagen. After the age of 25 or so, the body begins to lose its ability to create new collagen. The lack of new collagen leads to a host of aging symptoms, such as fine lines, wrinkles,arthritis, and joint problems. Medical collagen supplements, which are available as collagencreams, collagen injections, and collagen capsules, replenish the levels of collagen in the body and reduce the signs of aging.
For many years, animal collagen was used for collagen supplements, although it had many drawbacks. Human skin has a difficult time absorbing animal collagen, so collagen treatments had to be supplemented with a hypodermic injection treatment, which typically was expensive and carried the risk of infection. Animal collagen also has the potential to spread bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), better known as mad cow disease, thus posing another danger to humans.
Since BSE and other issues are found within animal collagen, scientists began looking for safer types of collagen. They discovered that fish collagen, which is extracted from fish skin and scales, is a non-toxic alternative. Even better, fish collagen is more readily absorbed by human skin than animal collagen.
Due to the variety of water temperatures and pressures in which fish live, fish collagen is resistant to physical and chemical damage. In addition, the extraction process for fish collagenpreserves its triple-helix structure, thus keeping polypeptides and amino acids intact. These proteins naturally complement collagen and make the resulting treatment more effective.
Fish collagen is most widely used in cosmetics. It typically moisturizes the skin and helps it appear firmer, smoother, and more elastic. Fish collagen can also be an effective treatment for arthritis-related pain and inflammation.
In addition to cosmetics and arthritis treatments, marine collagen is also effective as a dietsupplement. It is easily digestible and dissolves without difficulty in water. Due to its restorative health benefits, fish collagen is often used in health food, health drinks, health supplies, and medication for intestinal illnesses.
from wisegeek.com
During a person's younger years, the body continually discards old collagen and creates newcollagen. After the age of 25 or so, the body begins to lose its ability to create new collagen. The lack of new collagen leads to a host of aging symptoms, such as fine lines, wrinkles,arthritis, and joint problems. Medical collagen supplements, which are available as collagencreams, collagen injections, and collagen capsules, replenish the levels of collagen in the body and reduce the signs of aging.
For many years, animal collagen was used for collagen supplements, although it had many drawbacks. Human skin has a difficult time absorbing animal collagen, so collagen treatments had to be supplemented with a hypodermic injection treatment, which typically was expensive and carried the risk of infection. Animal collagen also has the potential to spread bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), better known as mad cow disease, thus posing another danger to humans.
Since BSE and other issues are found within animal collagen, scientists began looking for safer types of collagen. They discovered that fish collagen, which is extracted from fish skin and scales, is a non-toxic alternative. Even better, fish collagen is more readily absorbed by human skin than animal collagen.
Due to the variety of water temperatures and pressures in which fish live, fish collagen is resistant to physical and chemical damage. In addition, the extraction process for fish collagenpreserves its triple-helix structure, thus keeping polypeptides and amino acids intact. These proteins naturally complement collagen and make the resulting treatment more effective.
Fish collagen is most widely used in cosmetics. It typically moisturizes the skin and helps it appear firmer, smoother, and more elastic. Fish collagen can also be an effective treatment for arthritis-related pain and inflammation.
In addition to cosmetics and arthritis treatments, marine collagen is also effective as a dietsupplement. It is easily digestible and dissolves without difficulty in water. Due to its restorative health benefits, fish collagen is often used in health food, health drinks, health supplies, and medication for intestinal illnesses.
from wisegeek.com
Monday, February 6, 2012
Setiap orang mempunyai fobia atau ketakutan, dan sebagainya yang tersendiri,. Contohnya, seseorang boleh mempunyai perasaan takut terhadap kegagalan, ada yang lain pula mungkin takut ketinggian. Ada yang mungkin takut labah-labah, manakala ada yang lain mungkin takut anjing.
Kebanyakan kebimbangan adalah tidak merbahaya, tetapi, jika mereka benar-benar menghalang anda daripada menghadapi kehidupan biasa, menjadi berjaya, dan sebagainya, anda harus mula belajar bagaimana untuk mengatasi rasa takut atau bagaimana anda boleh mengatasi fobia.
Dengan cara ini, anda boleh berhenti membimbangkan anda, membuat diri anda berani, dan boleh menjalani kehidupan yang lebih tenang.
Berikut adalah beberapa strategi yang akan membantu anda berhenti menjadi ketakutan:
Penyahpekaan beransur-ansur adalah proses di mana anda akan sedikit demi sedikit mendekatkan diri kepada ketakutan anda untuk berhenti jadi takut.
Penyahpekaan beransur-ansur adalah proses di mana anda akan sedikit demi sedikit mendekatkan diri kepada ketakutan anda untuk berhenti jadi takut.
Sebagai contoh, jika anda takut lipas, ia adalah idea yang baik untuk mula merenung gambar yang ada lipas, menonton filem yang menunjukkan beberapa lipas, dan seumpamanya. Seterusnya, anda boleh cuba menyapu lipas mati di luar rumah anda, dan kemudian akhirnya melihat satu atau dua lipas merangkak terlebih dahulu sebelum meloncat kepada mereka atau membunuh mereka. Penyahpekaan beransur-ansur adalah lebih berkesan pada objek dan ketakutan haiwan 'dan bukannya' jenis bebentuk kebimbangan 'contohnya takut kepada kegagalan, takut penolakan terhadap cinta, dsb.
Mendapat maklumat yang cukup dan betul tentang ketakutan anda juga satu lagi langkah bagaimana untuk mengatasi rasa takut atau mengatasi fobia. Kadang-kadang, anda takut sesuatu kerana anda mendapat maklumat yang salah atau maklumat yang tidak mencukupi. Sebagai contoh, anda boleh melihat labah-labah rumah biasa dan menjadi takut, dengan ketakutan anda mungkin berpunca dari filem anda menonton kira-kira Tarantula. Ambil perhatian bahawa labah-labah biasa tidak beracun tidak seperti Tarantula dan sebaik sahaja anda mendapatkan maklumat ini, anda akan berhenti membimbangkan anda dan takut labah-labah di rumah anda.
Pemikiran '
Mendapat maklumat yang cukup dan betul tentang ketakutan anda juga satu lagi langkah bagaimana untuk mengatasi rasa takut atau mengatasi fobia. Kadang-kadang, anda takut sesuatu kerana anda mendapat maklumat yang salah atau maklumat yang tidak mencukupi. Sebagai contoh, anda boleh melihat labah-labah rumah biasa dan menjadi takut, dengan ketakutan anda mungkin berpunca dari filem anda menonton kira-kira Tarantula. Ambil perhatian bahawa labah-labah biasa tidak beracun tidak seperti Tarantula dan sebaik sahaja anda mendapatkan maklumat ini, anda akan berhenti membimbangkan anda dan takut labah-labah di rumah anda.
Pemikiran '
Jika orang lain boleh melakukannya sehingga berjaya, mengapa tidak saya. Resapkan pemikiran begini setiap hari hari dalam fikiran,hati dan perasaan. Ia boleh juga membantu anda dalam mengurangi ketakutan dan fobia terhadap kegagalan.
Jika anda takut membuat pengucapan awam, anda perlu menonton acara pengucapan awam dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri bagaimana penceramah awam mampu untuk melakukannya dan anda tidak boleh. Seterusnya, bandingkan diri anda kepada orang-orang penceramah dan sedar bahawa anda juga boleh melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan dan bahawa anda juga boleh menjadi lebih baik daripada mereka. Semua orang adalah sama dan jika orang lain mampu untuk melakukan perkara yang anda tidak boleh, anda patut mula mempercayai bahawa anda juga boleh melakukan perkara-perkara dan teknik ini pasti akan memberi kuasa kepada orang-orang yang ingin untuk mengatasi fobia.
Ini tips dan cara bagaimana untuk mengatasi rasa takut pasti akan membuat anda berhenti membimbangkan anda dan mula berani untuk menakluk kebimbangan anda dan kebimbangan seperti takut kegagalan, fobia sukan ekstrem, dan banyak lagi.
Ini tips dan cara bagaimana untuk mengatasi rasa takut pasti akan membuat anda berhenti membimbangkan anda dan mula berani untuk menakluk kebimbangan anda dan kebimbangan seperti takut kegagalan, fobia sukan ekstrem, dan banyak lagi.
Natural remedies to improve your eyesight
Nowadays pPeople spend a lot of time in front of the television, in front of their laptops and computers and also their mobile phones. In addition to that, the environment is also affecting people’s eye sight.
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, natural remedies are easily available for us to take care of ourselves and our precious eyes.
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With all the harmful UV rays and pollution harming the eyes, it has become of a vital importance for people to keep their eyes healthy and prevent any future eye related problems.
These days there are a lot of TV ads and commercials that come up with so called ‘miraculous’ medicines that will improve eyesight completely and permanently. However, you should not believe these ads and uselessly spend your money on it. There are a lot of natural ways to cure ones eyesight. By spending on medicines, you not only get no results but also end up adding chemicals to your diet. So what is the best way to improve eyesight? Well, it is going natural.
The first thing to do is give your eyes enough exercise. Many a times a lot of us spend a long time looking into the computer screen without taking any breaks in between and that is a big mistake that we make. So the first habit that you should inculcate to improve eyesight is to take frequent breaks while working on the computer to give it rest. You should also focus on subjects that are placed at a little distance so that your eyes get relaxed as well as a little exercise. Doing eye exercises will show you only long term benefits and that too only if you do it on a regular basis.
These days there are a lot of natural remedies are available in the market for you to improve your eyesight. There are supplements available these days in the market to add a better nutrient factor to your diet. Although, most doctors and nutritionists would suggest that you consume the nutrient in its most natural form so that it is the best quality of nourishment.
In fact, you will be able to find some remedies in your own kitchen. A good nutrition is what can work for all your health issues including your eyesight. Including Vitamin A in your diet is the most vital nutrient. Beta-carotene is also a good nutrient and carrots are the best source of this nutrient. Having carrots and many other green vegetable and fruits is a very good option for your health benefits.
Zeaxanthin and Lutein are two xanthophyll carotene compounds which the retina needs. Lutein is a layer of yellow pigment that protects your eyes. Thus, having cabbage, spinach and watercress will help a lot. Thus
Diamond, Lady's Best Friend - How Nature Created Them
Methods of Diamond Formation
Many people believe that diamonds are formed from the metamorphism of coal. That idea continues to be the "how diamonds form" story in many science classrooms.
Coal has rarely played a role in the formation of diamonds. In fact, most diamonds that have been dated are much older than Earth's first land plants - the source material of coal! That alone should be enough evidence to shut down the idea that Earth's diamond deposits were formed from coal.
Another problem with the idea is that coal seams are sedimentary rocks that usually occur as horizontal or nearly horizontal rock units. However, the source rocks of diamonds are vertical pipes filled with igneous rocks.
Four processes are thought to be responsible for virtually all of the natural diamonds that have been found at or near Earth's surface. One of these processes accounts for nearly 100% of all diamonds that have ever been mined. The remaining three are insignificant sources of commercial diamonds.
These processes rarely involve coal.
1) Deep Source Eruptions

Most commercial diamond deposits are thought to have formed when a deep-source volcanic eruption delivered diamonds to the surface. In these eruptions magma travels rapidly from deep within the mantle, often passing through a diamond stability zone on its route to the surface. Pieces of rock from the diamond stability zone may be torn free and carried rapidly upwards to the surface. These pieces of rock are known as "xenoliths" and may contain diamonds.
1) Diamond Formation in Earth's Mantle
Geologists believe that the diamonds in all of Earth's commercial diamond deposits were formed in the mantle and delivered to the surface by deep-source volcanic eruptions. These eruptions produce the kimberlite and lamproite pipes that are sought after by diamond prospectors. Diamonds weathered and eroded from these eruptive deposits are now contained in the sedimentary (placer) deposits of streams and coastlines.
The formation of natural diamonds requires very high temperatures and pressures. These conditions occur in limited zones of Earth's mantle about 90 miles (150 kilometers) below the surface where temperatures are at least 2000 degrees Fahrenheit (1050 degrees Celsius) (1). This critical temperature-pressure environment for diamond formation and stability is not present globally. Instead it is thought to be present primarily in the mantle beneath the stable interiors of continental plates (2).
Diamonds formed and stored in these "diamond stability zones" are delivered to Earth's surface during deep-source volcanic eruptions. These eruptions tear out pieces of the mantle and carry them rapidly to the surface (3), See Location 1 in the diagrams above and at right. This type of volcanic eruption is extremely rare and has not occurred since scientists have been able to recognize them.
Is coal involved? Coal is a sedimentary rock, formed from plant debris deposited at Earth's surface. It is rarely buried to depths greater than two miles (3.2 kilometers). It is very unlikely that coal has been moved from the crust down to a depth well below the base of a continental plate. The carbon source for these mantle diamonds is most likely carbon trapped in Earth's interior at the time of the planet's formation.
2) Subduction Zone Diamonds

Subduction zones occur at convergent plate boundaries where one plate is forced down into the mantle. As this plate descends it is exposed to increasing temperature and pressure. Diamonds have been found in rocks that are thought to have been subducted and then returned to the surface. These types of rocks are very rare and no known commercial diamond deposits have been developed within them. The diamonds found in these types of deposits have been very small and not suitable for commercial use.
2) Diamond Formation in Subduction Zones
Tiny diamonds have been found in rocks that are thought to have been subducted deep into the mantle by plate tectonic processes - then returned to the surface (4), See Location 2 in the diagrams above and at right. Diamond formation in a subducting plate might occur as little as 50 miles (80 kilometers) below the surface and at temperatures as low as 390 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Centigrade) (1).
Is coal involved? Coal is a possible carbon source for this diamond-forming process. However, oceanic plates are more likely candidates for subduction than continental plates because of their higher density. The most likely carbon sources from the subduction of an oceanic plate are carbonate rocks such as limestone, marble and dolomite and possibly particles of plant debris in offshore sediments.
3) Asteroid Impact Diamonds

Diamonds have been found in and around the craters of asteroid impact sites. Earth has been repeatedly hit by asteroids throughout its history. These asteroids hit with such force that pressures and temperatures high enough to form diamonds are produced. If the target rock contains carbon the conditions needed to form diamonds might occur within the impact area. These types of diamonds are rare and do not play an important role in commercial diamond mining.
3) Diamond Formation at Impact Sites
Throughout its history, Earth has been repeatedly hit by large asteroids. When these asteroids strike the earth extreme temperatures and pressures are produced. For example: when a six mile (10 kilometer) wide asteroid strikes the earth, it can be traveling at up to 9 to 12 miles per second (15 to 20 kilometers per second). Upon impact this hypervelocity object would produce an energy burst equivalent to millions of nuclear weapons and temperatures hotter than the sun's surface (5).
The high temperature and pressure conditions of such an impact are more than adequate to form diamonds. This theory of diamond formation has been supported by the discovery of tiny diamonds around several asteroid impact sites. See Location 3 in the diagrams above and at right.
Is coal involved? Coal could be present in the target area of these impacts and could serve as the carbon source of the diamonds. Limestones, marbles, dolomites and other carbon-bearing rocks are also potential carbon sources.
4) Diamonds Formed in Space

Diamonds have been discovered in some meteorites. These diamonds are thought to have formed in space in response to asteroid impacts or other severe events
4) Formation in Space
NASA researchers have detected large numbers of nanodiamonds in some meteorites (nanodiamonds are diamonds that are a few nanometers - billionths of a meter in diameter). About three percent of the carbon in these meteorites is contained in the form of nanodiamonds. These diamonds are too small for use as gems or industrial abrasives, however, they are a source of diamond material (6), See Location 4 in the diagrams above and at right.
Smithsonian researchers also found large numbers of tiny diamonds when they were cutting a sample from the Allen Hills meteorite (7). These diamonds in meteorites are thought to have formed in space through high speed collisions similar to how diamonds form on Earth at impact sites.
Is coal involved? Coal is not involved in the creation of these diamonds. The carbon source is from a body other than Earth.
The Most Convincing Evidence
The most convincing evidence that coal did not play a role in the formation of most diamonds is a comparison between the age of Earth's diamonds and the age of the earliest land plants.
Almost every diamond that has been dated formed during the Precambrian Eon - the span of time between Earth's formation (about 4,600 million years ago) and the start of the Cambrian Period (about 542 million years ago). In contrast, the earliest land plants did not appear on Earth until about 450 million years ago - nearly 100 million years after the formation of virtually all of Earth's natural diamonds.
Since coal is formed from terrestrial plant debris and the oldest land plants are younger than almost every diamond that has ever been dated, it is easy to conclude that coal did not play a significant role in the formation of Earth's diamonds.
Adapted from geology.com
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Mothers To Be ....Here's For You
Children whose mothers are more attentive during infancy go on to develop more nerve cells in their hippocampus, a region of the brain which plays a key role in memory and emotion, researchers found.
Although the findings do not prove that the mothers' behaviour caused the improved brain size, measured during later childhood, they suggest supportive parenting could play a role in brain development.
Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri, observed the level of support provided by 92 parents as their preschool age children were given a present and told to wait eight minutes before unwrapping it.
Brain scans carried out on the same children between the ages of seven and 13 showed that those whose parents had provided the most support to reduce their stress during the earlier task had larger hippocampi.
Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, the scientists said the effect was much lower in children who showed early signs of depression, suggesting this could counteract the benefit of maternal support.
The Primordial Man
Just as a peacock reveals its spectacular plumage when it spots a female, men are more likely to show off by doing good deeds if they are in the company of attractive members of the opposite sex.
A study showed that men actively compete to outdo each other with generous acts when being watched by attractive women, and not when observed by other men.
But the same does not apply to women, whose selflessness remains the same whether in the company of men or other women, psychologists from Oxford and Sheffield Hallam universities found.
Researchers recruited 65 men and 65 women with an average age of 21, and observed them as they played a co-operation game where individuals could donate money to a shared group fund.
Donating money was a selfless act because players knew others would benefit, while they could not guarantee receiving the same return from others.
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